(Second stage, since 2022)

The year 2022 marks the 10th anniversary of this project. A decade of consolidation, which has made the Story Contest about the Environment an annual encounter with art and nature, and a benchmark and stimulus in education for respect for the natural environment for thousands of schoolchildren in Gijón.
10 years, 180 stories and drawings awarded among the more than 4,000 participants, more than 200 unique illustrations, 10 exceptional award ceremonies… And the legacy of 10 carefully edited volumes that reflect the respect and value that a unique project deserves, and that represent the cornerstone of a collection of books written by girls and boys for all ages.
In 2022, with its eleventh edition, a new stage begins with the aim to transcend the sphere of a local school literary competition and involve the choral work of five new professional illustrators, inside and outside Asturias, in each new volume which I have the honor of coordinating, editing and designing. Thus, a growing collection continues, which will follow over the years to reflect not only the evolution in the environmental feeling of the new generations, but will also constitute a unique catalog of the best Spanish professional illustration.
  • 13th Story Contest about the Environment

    Second stage (since 2022) - Environment Story Contest
  • 12th Story Contest about the Environment

    Second stage (since 2022) - Environment Story Contest
  • 11th Story Contest about the Environment

    Second stage (since 2022) - Environment Story Contest
SINCE 2022Juan Hernaz